Barnes Corners Sno-Pals​
Snowmobile Club
Est. 1977
The Barnes Corners Sno-Pals Snowmobile Club
Established in 1977, the Barnes Corners Sno-Pals Snowmobile Club maintains and grooms over 100 miles of snowmobile trails in Jefferson and Lewis Counties of upstate New York. We are located on upstate New York’s famous Tug Hill Plateau, which has the highest annual snow fall totals East of the Rockies! Thanks to our close proximity to Lake Ontario, the area gets blanketed with 200-300" of snow annually, most of which falls as Lake Effect Snow. Our trail system is part of the greater Tug Hill Trail system, offering over 500 miles of groomed snowmobile trails!

Club Officers:
President: Jim Hearne
Vice President: Bill Butler
Secretary: Debbie Marriott-Briot
Treasurer: Becky Butler
Chairman of the Board: Scott Simmons
Director: Bob Williams
Director: Gene Brimmer
Director: Jeff Call
Director: Tim Roberts
Director: Heath Ash
Groomer Barn Address:
8055 Seven by Nine Road
Barnes Corners, New York 13626-3410
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 533
Rodman, NY 13682
Telephone: (315) 688-4645